Thursday, August 23, 2007

You Gotta Be Joking..

Well today's been one wild....I don't even know..

Around 12:00-12:30 me and my cousin went out, heading to Wal-Mart.
Well we was about, hmm, 3/4ths the way there, right? We stopped on the side of the curb to wait for traffic to pass. And next thing we know, this truck comes turning down the street we was on. The truck turned alright but, behind, on the truck was a trailer like thing.

That slammed into us basicly. We wasn't hurt, well no "bloody" pains. Anyhoo, the truck stopped for like 5 seconds. Then dragged the bikes a few inches then when I picked my bike up a bit the queer ran over the back tire. Somehow my bike was fine even though being ran over but my cousin's bike got screwed up badly. Bent both front and back rims, and jacked up the peddles a bit.

Once we got the bikes out the retards stopped and got out of the truck about 10ft away, asked if we was ok, then once he noticed that and before we could get any info from him(Name, plate, ect..) the retard jumped in the truck and speed off.

After that we biked back home, then grandma-ma called the coppy woppys. Made a report and crap. Then DJ went and showed them the "scene of the crime", sortof speak. Little did we know DJ lost his reflector. LOL
The cop found it and I was upstairs when they got back. The cop asked us to give him the info again and then that was basicly it. We went back out about 5 minutes after, went to the park, then after that, THAT IDIOT JUST HAD TO GO THROUGH THE GHEDDO, RIGHT? Well the peddle broke off the rest of the way. Then we met up with one of DJ's cousins.. so we walked for a bit then I jumped on my bike and road home to get the tool kit for the bike, just to find out it wont fit.

Well that's basicly my day..

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